We had the pleasure of meeting one of our area's finest again this week, and what a treat it was!

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Caught in the Act - Kristen Holley

After reading her nomination letter from friend, Ashley Fullerton, we knew there was another angel among us here in Northwest Louisiana.

That angel is Kristen Holley and her big heart and commitment to serve others made her a perfect choice as this week's recipient of the Kiss Country Caught in the Act Award!!

Take a look at that letter for yourself and you'll agree!

Kristen is a Home Health nurse and my best friend. She always goes out of her way for her patients; family and friends. She can often be found at the store grabbing a few groceries for one patient or doing dishes for another, or taking in yet another animal to her home because her patient can't care for it anymore. She loves patient care so much one time I asked her why she didn't go back to school to get her RN and bachelors degree so she could make more money and have better hours and she said because I love my patients and I'd have to leave them and it's just not worth it to me.

Kristen Holley, because you've been 'Caught in the Act', John and the gang at the Magnolia Pit have a $50 gift certificate for you to come enjoy a great meal!

Take a listen to the phone call we made to Kristen to let her know that she was this week's Caught In The Act Award recipient.

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