Jeremy Johnston Is This Week’s Recipient of Caught in the Act Award
One of the most valuable lessons I've learned in life is that it never costs anything to be nice.
Evidently, Jeremy Johnston learned that same lesson! And the students of Benton Middle School are better for it.
We received his nomination letter from his little sister Jena Johnston, and she certainly wasn't bashful about praising her brother.
And it was that letter that made our decision easy again this week to name Jeremy as our latest recipient of the Kiss Country Caught in the Act Award!
I’m writing to tell you all about my brother, Jeremy Johnston. Jeremy is the School Resource Officer at Benton Middle School where he gives his time, love, and even money to the students he is serving. I can’t even begin to guess how many backpacks, brand new shoes, jackets, etc. that Jeremy has purchased with his own money for kids in need at his school and other surrounding schools. Most people have no idea he does things like this regularly, but trust me and as one of his shopping buddies, he does it A LOT. And it’s never for recognition or even a thank you. He’s just the type of person who sees a need and fills that need, however he possibly can. His selflessness doesn’t stop at work though. He has an incredible wife with an equally big heart and together they show Christ’s love to SO many families in our area. They never hesitate to take in a child in need and love them through whatever trials are going on in their lives. I just want him to get a little bit of the recognition I feel like he deserves more than anyone!
Jeremy Johnston, thank you for being so amazing! You are a big reason why this is the greatest place in America to live! And because you've been 'Caught in the Act' the gang at Silver Star Smokehouse have a $100 Gift Certificate for you and the family to come have dinner!
Take a listen to the phone call we made to Jeremy to let him know that he was this week's Caught In The Act Award recipient.