Mississippi Hunter Bags Freakish 29-Point Buck – Did You See?
As we move officially into winter in Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, Arkansas, and Alabama the thoughts of many slowly start to transition from football to hunting. Both sports are favorite pastimes for residents of the Gulf South and the fact that football is in its bowl lull works out perfectly for those who want to get out into the woods and see if they can't find some meat for the freezer and a trophy for the wall.
Speaking of hunting, if you like to hunt in northern Louisiana and southern Arkansas were you aware of the presence of a mountain lion? A story out of Clark County in Arkansas late last week suggested that a big cat had been noticed on a trail camera and hunters were being advised to take the necessary precautions.
Meanwhile, there is the story of Hank Wentworth of Holmes County Mississippi. Hank is an avid deer hunter and he had been monitoring a deer stand and food plot that he'd been working on since early fall. It was in late November that Hank noticed something on his trail camera that got him excited for deer season.
He noted on that trail video what he called a "deer of a lifetime". According to a story in the Biloxi Sun Herald Newspaper Wentworth first noticed the creature on trail came November 28th. He noted that the buck had two sets of "double main beams" in describing the buck's antlers.
After several days and nights of studying the trail camera images and predicting the big buck's movements Wentworth finally had his chance to be in the right place at the right time on December 3rd.
Wentworth was in his stand shortly after 3 A.M. and as luck would have it his patience and timing would pay off.
As you can see from Hank's social media pages the deer is very impressive. The buck's bases measured 5 3/8ths inches and 5 and 1/2 inches. The main beams were just over 20 inches and 18 inches respectively. The buck's unofficial gross score is 205 5/8.
We'd like to see your pictures of your big bucks this deer season. Make sure you share them with us either via this page or through the radio station app. Good luck and safe hunting.
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Gallery Credit: Bruce Mikells