Louisiana Drivers Cautioned – Bumper Stickers Put You at Risk
Driving in Louisiana. It is not for the faint of heart. Sometimes it can be a contact sport but for the most part, it's just time-consuming and the substandard roadways can be really hard on the cars and trucks. One of the ways I amuse myself while driving is to read the back of the vehicle in front of me.
It seems as if some people put their entire life story on the back of their cars. While others just have a sticker or two. But believe it or not in the hands and in the mind of a trained bad guy they can learn a lot about you simply by riding behind you.
Let's take a look at some of the more common stickers that people put on their vehicles. You'd be amazed at how much information one sticker can tell a stranger about your family.
Do you have a "My kid is an honor student or my kid attends" sticker? Right off the bat a bad guy knows where you are in the morning and where you'll probably be during the afternoon. You're going to be picking up that honor student and you're not going to be at your house.
Do you have a "hunting lease or hunting lodge" sticker on your vehicle? A trained bad guy knows that you have guns and you have money. Naturally, you have to have guns to hunt and if you are a member of a hunting club or lease you have money to spend on your love of the outdoors. That also means you're probably not going to be at home on the weekends during deer season or duck season or pick a season.
Do you have "kids sports or kids activities" stickers posted on your car? That lets a bad guy know during summer you're at ball games or practice or maybe on weeknights you have to be away from home to pick up a kid from dancing.
Do you have a "30-A or resort sticker on your vehicle"? If you do that let's bad guys know you have money and you go out of town for weeks at a time. All they need to do is watch you and they'll soon figure out when you're at the beach and not at home watching your stuff.
The Allen County Sheriff's Department in Indiana put together this really cool graphic for their Facebook page and we're showing it to you here because it really should make you think before you "advertise all that you have to lose" on the back of your car.
Sure it's okay to be proud of your family and especially your kids. But it's also important to not let too much of your personal information get into the hands of people you don't know. The kind of people that could do you or your family harm.
No, it's not the simpler times we grew up in, it's today's world and we're just going to have to adjust to keep our families safe. Now, if you wanna go back in time just a little and reminisce on memory lane, see how many of these you remember.