What does the food in your pantry have in common with your smoke detectors? They have expiration dates. And now is the time to check the dates on your smoke detectors to make sure they are working properly.

Smoke detectors save lives, but they can't function properly if the battery in them is too weak. That's why there is nationwide push right around the time we change the clocks to replace the batteries in your smoke alarms.

The Louisiana State Fire Marshal’s Office, in cooperation with the U.S. Fire Administration and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), announces that the theme for National Fire Prevention Week (October 9 – 15, 2016) is “Don’t Wait! Check the Date!” on smoke alarms.

We get more from a press release sent out by the Louisiana State Fire Marshall:

The value of these life-saving devices cannot be overstated. In fact, the NFPA reports that people are twice as likely to die in homes that have no working smoke alarms, which is why it is crucial for Louisiana residents to make sure that the smoke alarms in their homes are not older than 10 years.

Why? Because the failure rate in smoke alarms increases as they get older, which is why they should be replaced after 10 years.

To check the date on smoke alarms installed in your home, simply remove the device from the wall and/or ceiling and look for the manufacture date on the back. If the date is older than 10 years, replace the alarm with a new one. If not, then place the alarm back on the wall and/or ceiling.

And don’t forget to test the smoke alarm every month by pushing the test button.

For more information about smoke alarms or Fire Prevention Week, you can visit the websites of the U.S. Fire Administration (www.usfa.fema.gov; www.firepreventionweek.org).

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