I don't mean to get all sappy...but I LOVE this woman! We have known each other for about [CENSORED] years, which is a long time.
Some inside baseball for y'all...She and I met as we were both doing a live remote at a club in Shreveport in the mid 90's. We immediately hit it off, and she got me a job at the station where she was working, The Big Dog 94-5. As I meandered my way through the airwaves, she would always speak well of me, even if I was a bit of a "bad boy."
When I quit the biz, we kinda drifted apart. We became Facebook friends when that became a thing, and got back in touch.
A little over a year ago, Bristol helped me get my foot back in the door at the station, and it has been a whirlwind of awesome ever since!
I cannot express my gratitude strongly enough for Bristol. I hope that she has the best birthday ever in the history of birthdays!
Here's a video of a guy singing (and playing) a little birthday tune that you might know.