It’s Illegal To Mail Any Of These Things In Louisiana
The price of a U.S. postage "Forever Stamp" increased twice in 2024, rising from 66 cents to its current cost of 73 cents, however, it's still somewhat a bargain.

Considering that we have seen astronomical increases to the price of fuel and other services, that seven-cent increase seems nearly trivial.
And considering that the actual amount of "snail mail" the U.S. consumer actually sends on an annual basis, that increase gets even less relevant.
Online Shopping Is At Historical Highs
However, as our society evolves more onto the digital platform, online purchases are higher than ever before, and a vast majority of those require shipping to the consumer.
According to redstagfulfillment.com, "Worldwide, eCommerce growth has been even more striking. Since 2010, global eCommerce sales have increased by nearly 800%."
And given that social media sales platforms like Facebook's "Marketplace" are seeing unprecedented usage, not only has the traditional retailer capitalized on the online sales frenzy, the average person is not only making online purchases like never before, but they are also making sales in historical numbers.
And once again, these transactions traditionally involve some type of shipping. But not all items can legally be shipped.
Not All Items Can Be Legally Shipped
While you still have to take certain precautions to mail something as simple as a check, there are a number of things like ammunition that are never allowed by the US Postal Service.
If you've got questions regarding the law, we have listed six of those items that you can never mail.
Six Items Considered Illegal to Mail In Louisiana
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