How to Get Gary & Bristol To Throw You Lots of Beads at Krewe of Centaur Parade
Well, it's official! There hasn't been a last minute call from the Governor saying that it was all a joke. Gary & Bristol will actually be the Grand Marshals of this year's Krewe of Centaur Mardi Gras Parade.
The parade will roll from downtown Shreveport along the Clyde Fant Parkway at 4:00 pm tomorrow and will likely take a few hours to make its complete run.
Being the blessed man that I am, the gang from the Krewe of Centaur graciously added me as a co-Grand Marshal, but I'm very sure that it's only because of Bristol. See, over the last several years, she's become one of the biggest voices for all things Mardi Gras.
She hosts the parties, goes to the balls, emcee's lots of the other parades and she and her husband Keith, usually ride their float, The Jester, together. But this year, I get to see just why she loves this so much as we make the ride together.
One of the biggest questions that I've gotten since the big announcement a few weeks ago is "Will you make sure to throw me something?" Well certainly we will. But with the incredible weather forecast we have for tomorrow, this parade could break all records and see crowds of over 600,000 lining the parade routes. So, just how will we see you? How will we know who to throw to?
SHOW US YOUR KISS COUNTRY SIGN! That'll be the easiest way for us to spot you! Just anything that lets us know you're part of the Kiss Country family and we'll try to have everyone on our float looking for you and we'll do our best to load you up.
Oh and if you get the chance to take a picture of your sign, be sure to post that on our Facebook page so everybody can see.
And if you're wondering why it's so hard to see you, just watch this video that Bristol shot last year while she was riding. Just nuts. Be careful tomorrow, have fun, and Show Us Your Kiss Country!
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