Heinz Wants You to Help Make the Monday After the Super Bowl a National Holiday
Heinz is taking a pretty radical approach to this year's Super Bowl.
The famed ketchup company (officially known as Kraft Heinz) has unleashed a campaign to make the Monday after the Super Bowl a national holiday known as #Smunday. Sure, the game is Sunday, but we all know the despondent feeling we have the next day when we have to go back work. Millions call in sick and businesses suffer from lost productivity, so why not just let everyone off, right?
If 100,000 people back the petition, it';ll be sent to Congress (because the men and women there have nothing better to do at the moment, right?).
Heinz is making another big splash around the big game, too. Typically, companies fork over millions on commercials to air during the game. This year, though, Heinz is looking for some publicity by not doing that. Instead, it will let all salaried employees have the day off following Super Bowl Sunday. That, of course, goes hand in hand with the idea of making the day a holiday, so kudos to Heinz for putting its money where its mouth is -- and where its advertising dollars aren't.