Have You Ever Met Anyone Through Missed Connections?
One thing is for sure there are A LOT of missed connections in the SBC! From people sitting at lunch at Panera, to folks walking around at the grocery store. There seems to be a lot of potential love in the air. According to the missed connections in the area I realized that the hot Paramedics and Firefighters in the ABC are on night Shift! One question that has kept popping up, has anyone actually ever met through missed connections on Craigslist? We see so many post hoping to find the one that got away but what are the chances that both of those people went to Craigslist trying to find each other? I personally have never met anyone who has actually met someone through the Missed Connections Personals on Craigslist, I imagine the odds of that happening are pretty low.
Do you know anyone who defied the odds and met someone through Missed Connections? Have you ever had success in that department? If so, we want to talk to you! Message us here and tell us your story!
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