Half Full Bottle of Water Could Start Fire in Your Vehicle
And now there's something new to worry about as you head into work each morning. Don't accidentally forget to leave a half-full bottle of water in your car. It could start a fire. That just doesn't sound right does it? A half full bottle of WATER could start a fire in your vehicle.
Don 't believe it? Check out this video.
Apparently, the water in the clear water bottle can act just like a magnifying glass and with the hot summer sun beating down on it, could concentrate all that light onto a specific spot. In all likelihood, you would probably just burn a hole in your upholstery, but what if the light shined on something flammable? Something like a fast food paper sack or something else that might ignite and then catch everything else around it on fire.
Your ride home could become a flaming inferno just because you didn't finish that bottle of water you started on the way to work.
Course, if you ever find yourself in a "survival" situation, there are a ton of YouTube videos that show you how to take advantage of this possibility to start a fire for warmth or cooking.
So, now that I've got you thinking, did you leave a bottle of water in your car this morning? Might want to go see!