Joey’s 3rd Annual Geaux Green Family Volunteer Day Coming Up
It is that time of the year again to Geaux Green! According to the event page on Facebook, November 17th will be the day to roll up your sleeves and do something for the planet. The 3rd Annual Geaux Green Family Volunteer Day is a great opportunity to not only do something good for the Earth, but to teach your children about what it means to geaux green.
This was all started by a local 13 year old named Joey Gouthiere. He is the founder and the Co-Executive Directer of Geaux Show Love. It is mentioned on the event page that this event is intended to be "a worldwide movement so you do not have to live in Shreveport/Bossier to participate!"
Also mentioned on the event page that if you happen to need t-shirts, gloves, trash bags, water or snacks you can get that at 883 Captain Shreve Drive in Shreveport at 9 am on the day of the global event.