Friday is National Greasy Food Day
Friday, October 25th should be a holiday. National Greasy Food Day lands on the best day of the week, it's a day that we can all play hooky from work during lunch and head to the State Fair of Lousiana.
Just imagine justifying a lunch that starts with a corn dog and deep-fried cheese and a delicious funnel cake to top it off. Maybe you can make a trip to 5 Guys and get a greasy burger? Maybe you'll choose to go to Johnny's Pizza Buffet.
How do you prepare for National Greasy Food Day? Just pick your favorite person that likes to indulge in greasy food with you and head towards the greasy food.
October 25th is the day for all of us to enjoy greasy food without judgment. Where will you choose to eat on National Greasy Food day? Tell us in the comments below. Don't forget to pack your TUMS and Pepto.