On August 5th,2015, Shreveport Police Officer Thomas LaValley was killed while responding to a call. He was gunned down by a man who had threatened family members. Grover Cannon is charged with first degree murder. Shots were fired just after LaValley said "Let me see your hands. Move your hands for me.”

LaValley radios for help and then more shots are heard. We continue to honor Thomas and the many other officers who risk their lives every day. You are encouraged to wear blue on Friday and pray for our first responders.

Officers do so many great things we never hear about. This is some video of officers interacting with children.

Here are some other things you can do to honor police on Friday:

  • Buy an LEO a cup of coffee or a soft drink
  • Buy them a meal
  • A simple hug or expression of thanks
  • Prayer
  • Discounts on goods or services
  • Wearing blue on Friday, August 5, 2016

To find out more or offer help, contact Tony at (318) 990-0967 or email tonythetigernations@gmail.com.


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