Free SafeSchools Louisiana App Now Active
There's a new app available to help keep Louisiana schools safe. We've all seen the reports, active school shooter kills students or teachers. Many times before a school shooting or attack took place, someone knew about it. Someone heard first-hand about plans, or saw a social media post about a possible attack, but were afraid, for whatever reason, to say anything.
Schools today deal with so much more than we did 'back in the day...' In addition to shootings on campus which seem all to common... students, teachers and administrators also deal with drugs on campus... students terrorized through bullying... either at school, or online... fights... vandalism, and so much more.
80% Of school shooters told someone of their violent plans; 59% told more than one person
70% of people who commit suicide told someone of their plans and gave some other warning sign
Now there's a free app that's already active in over 500 schools across Louisiana that allows individuals to be able to anonymously report on campus concerns and activity to officials. The app is called SafeSchoolsLouisiana. It is a free app developed by Crimestoppers. According to their website:
Use the Safe Schools Louisiana App – or this website - to keep yourself or someone you know safe from threats, harmful behaviors or dangerous situations. These include but are not limited to:
- Narcotics/Alcohol - possession, intent of distribution, selling or use of drugs, vaping on school campuses
- Weapons - guns, knives and other firearms
- Vandalism - graffiti or malicious mischief
- Violence - gang related and individual fights, assaults and threats
- Arson - setting fires or conspiracy to commit
- Bombs - possession, conspiracy or false report of a bomb threat
- Other felony crimes including robbery, theft, rape, and burglary
- Extreme forms of bullying and threats of self harm
- Threats of school terrorism
To find out if your school is on the app, or to request a school be added, visit their website: safeschoolsla.com