Not sure if it's a blessing or a curse for my wife Julie, but we have all boys.  3 of them to be exact.  19 year old Buddy, 12 year old Craig and the 9 year old, Colt (pictured above).  See, there's never a moment in Julie's life when there's not some guy around her scratching himself or something gross.  I still don't know how she's maintained her "girliness" over the years, but she's done it. (I'm sure we've permanently scarred her though).  This weekend we had another of those moments that had her scrambling to see if we could possibly adopt a young girl to add at least a hint of estrogen to the overpowering testosterone levels of our home.  We took the 2 younger boys, Craig and Colt, to the Desoto Motocross track to ride their motorcycles.  Again, probably not a thing Julie would be doing had the Good Lord blessed us with anything but hairy legged boys.  On the way down, Colt, announces "You might want to roll down your windows"...well, if you have boys, or have ever even been around boys, you know what had just happened.  It was horrible.  We immediately rolled down all the windows but it was too late.  We'd been hit with a toxic gas bad enough to make me a little dizzy headed and nauseous and make my eyes burn.  Julie was right in the line of fire and never said a word.  However, the 12 year old, Craig, couldn't hold his tongue.  He screams out, "Gosh Colt, that's horrible.  I'm gonna puke".  That's when Colt said one of the funniest things I think I've ever heard.  Just as calmly and deliberate as if nothing had happened, he said "It's a gift!"  I nearly wrecked the truck.  Please pray for Julie.

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