Feral Hogs Swarming Southeast Shreveport [VIDEO]
A herd of feral hogs has been repeatedly sighted by residents of southeast Shreveport, most often in the Ellerbe Road area south of Flourney Lucas. This video, shot by Shreveport resident Wesley Prevot, shows this "passel" of hogs crossing the road near his home.
But are these animals a threat to residents in the area? Here's a recent report from ksla.com:
A surge in wild or feral hog sightings is forcing animal control officials, contractors and residents into action to remove what's described as one of the most intimidating nuisance animals to deal with.
But experts caution that wild hogs aren't just causing property and crop damage. They're also considered a very real safety threat and disease carrier. There are believed to be hundreds of feral hogs in and around the Shreveport area.
Residents also report that the hogs have done a great deal of ground damage across the area, including digging and rooting on East Ridge golf course.