Okay, I love my kids as much as any Dad, so forgive me if I think Easter is not the time to deny my boys all the wonders of sugar induced highs and give them "healthy snacks." 

No, Easter, while not only the observance of the resurrection of Jesus, is a the day of "Chocolate."  I'm talking 5 pound chocolate bunnies, dozens of Reese's peanut butter/chocolate eggs, foil wrapped dark chocolate balls....It's Hershey Heaven kids. It's a finger licking, t-shirt staining, wallowing in Wonka-ville, I can't believe they ate they whole thing, kind of day.

I just read a post about "Healthy Easter Snacks" and it occurred to me that somewhere next Sunday, some kids are going to go without jelly beans, Peeps, Cadbury eggs, Milky Ways and Snickers, anything high in calories and low in actual food value.  That's just un-American.

These kids are going to get carrots and pastel bagels, bunny trail mix and fresh fruit salad?  That's like having Christmas without a tree or Thanksgiving and no turkey.

Come on gang.  I know that childhood obesity is a big problem these days, but allowing them to wallow in anything chocolate, crème filled or caramel for this one day can't be too terrible.  Hey, it didn't kill us did it?  Odds are, they'll puke before they do any real damage anyway, right?

And don't forget to pile them all in the car Saturday and join us for Kiss Country's FREE "Easter on the Bayou".  Just go HERE for all you need to know including ticket locations, activities and times.

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