Do These Animals, Bugs, Trees, Songs Best Represent Louisiana?
The pest control company, Orkin, just released their annual Top 50 Cities in America For Mosquitoes, and believe it or not, Shreveport was not Number One.

In fact, there was only one Louisiana city that made the list and that was New Orleans which was ranked number 40.
How is this possible? Doesn't Orkin know where we are? Did they do this survey in January? And how do Los Angeles and New York City have more mosquitoes than any city in Louisiana?
I demand a recount.
Seeing this information raised my antenna. Of course, the mosquito has to be our state insect for Louisiana doesn't it? That would be a big negative Ghost Rider.
To say I was shocked would be as big an understatement as saying that I-20 is a little bumpy.
To get to the heart of the matter, I looked online at the Louisiana House of Representatives website and was left totally open-mouthed when I saw that no, the mosquito is NOT our state insect.
Believe it or not, the state insect for Louisiana is the Honeybee.
Bet that one caught you off guard didn't it? In fact, you might also be shocked to find out that our state drink is not the "Hurricane" from Pat O'Brien's. It's not even Community Coffee. Nope, it's milk.
Course, we do celebrate a few other things in the Bayou State that might be a little off the beaten path. The website pointed out that:
In 1979, the only dog native to Louisiana became our state dog, the Catahoula Leopard Dog. A cross between a dog raised by Indians of the Catahoula Lake region and a Spanish "war dog," it is well known for its unusual eyes and webbed feet.
Just check out some other things we celebrate that you might not have known about.
We're The Only State With 2 State Songs. "Give Me Louisiana" and "You Are My Sunshine"
Louisiana's State Reptile Is The Alligator
Louisiana Actually Has A State Crustacean. Yep, It's The Mudbug
The Bald Cypress Is Louisiana's State Tree
Last But Not Least, Louisiana Has A State Fish. The White Perch Or Sac-a-Lait"
Want to see what the other states call their "State Insect?" Just check this out.
Quiz: Do you know your state insect?
Gallery Credit: Andrew Vale
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