Corruption and Kickbacks at City Hall?
KTBS is conducting an in-depth investigation into Shreveport City Government and a federal investigation into the city's water billing error. According to the report, federal authorities are looking into the possibility of shakedowns and kickbacks at city hall dating back to the Glover Administration.
KTBS says that they were contacted by multiple firms seeking no-bid city contracts for things like engineering have been told by outsiders that they need to "pay up" if they want inroads at City Hall.
"Jerry Harper, an attorney involved in a suit against the city that has exposed widespread inaccuracies in water bills, has received similar complaints. "What I would call it is 'pay for play,'" Harper said.', KTBS published in their report.
It is believed that the court cases revolving around the water billing scandal is what brought the 'pay to play' accusations to light.
Lynn Braggs and David Aubrey are two members being spotlighted in the probe. It is alleged that Braggs and Aubrey, who have worked in both the Glover and Tyler administrations, acted as go-betweens for companies seeking city contracts and the city in the pay to play scheme.
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