Meet Reagan Ullman – Kiss Country’s Latest Caught in the Act Award Recipient

Each week, Gary and Bristol shine the light on one of our local residents who help to make Kiss Country the greatest place in the world to live, and this week, our recipient is Reagan Ullman. When I saw this week's nomination letter, which was submitted by his wife, Taylor Ullman, I just knew we had to get in contact with him. There's something special about a man that will drive six hours just because a six-year-old child asked him to. Just take a look at his nomination:
Reagan is the most dependable person I have ever met. He is the kind of man who will drop whatever he's doing to come help someone in need. If your car breaks and you need help, he's there. If you need help moving, he's there. He'll take you to work if he knows you hate driving in thunderstorms. He'll drive 6 hours for a 6-year-old's baptism because she asked him to be there. Whether he's working or studying, he always comes when called. Not once has he ever asked for anything in return. It is something he does purely out of the kindness in his heart. What will take an hour of his time will make someone else's life 10 times easier, so he helps. He is an inspiration to everyone in his life and we are all eternally grateful to know him. The world needs more Reagans.
Thank you for being so amazing, Reagan! And because you've been "Caught in the Act," the gang at Silver Star has a $100 gift certificate for you!
Take a listen to the phone call we made to Reagan to let him know that he was this week's Kiss Country Caught in the Act Award recipient.
Former Recipients of the Kiss Country Caught in the Act Award
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