BJ Pike is This Week’s Recipient of the Caught in the Act Award
Meeting BJ Pike this morning left us with a pretty big question. "Where does she put her angel wings when she goes to sleep at night?" What an incredible lady!
And she's this week's recipient of the Kiss Country Caught in the Act Award! She's the kind of lady everyone needs on their team. Someone who'll be there for her family and friends (even perfect strangers) when they need someone most!
We learned about BJ from her neice, Danielle Kirk, who told us all about BJ in her nomination letter.
B.J. Pike, is my aunt and is also the light of my life. This woman is God sent. She took me in when I was younger due to some family circumstances, and raised me as her own. In 2006, she was working for a physical therapist along with raising me, and her other two children along with co parenting with my dad. October 23, 2006 I was diagnosed with terminal cancer at 13, she became not only my caregiver but my rock, my sanity she kept me here. She kept me fighting, two years later I became cancer free and it gave her the courage to go to school and become a RN. She now is a hospice nurse, her job is to help those in need which is who she is as a person. If I ever needed anything or someone to talk to no matter how silly it was she was there’s she is and always will be my guardian angel. She showed me what true love is, she told me once, when someone very close to her passed, “ pahoo” was his nickname, I was the only one that kept her here, that kept her going. But, she is what kept me fighting who keeps me here. She also has taken on the role of caring for her mother, being her power of attorney, she just recently also took on the role of being the caregiver to her mother in law who passed from terminal cancer just this morning. She gives without hesitation and expects nothing in return. She puts herself last every day every night. She doesn’t receive the recognition she deserves. She is my role model, she is the saint, the Christian, the brave and strong woman I can only dream to be one day. I hope and pray she wins this award. I don’t know anyone more deserving.
BJ Pike, thank you for being an inspiration to us all and a big reason why this is the greatest place in America to live!
And because you've been "Caught in the Act" the gang at Silver Star Smokehouse and Silver Star Grille have a $100 Gift Certificate for you to come have dinner on them!
Take a listen to the phone call we made to BJ to let her know that she was this week's Caught In The Act Award recipient.
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