Kathy Landin

Jealous Neighbors Get Couple Arrested For Bumping Uglies Much Too Loud
It’s ok to have really great sex in your own home, but be careful, because if it’s so great that your neighbors can hear it, you might get arrested. Especially if you live in South Australia where more than two-thirds of the people polled online said police were right to arrest one rather vocal couple for just that.

10 Creative Ideas for Keeping Your Kids Busy This Summer
Even though you love your kids dearly and want to spend time with them, the months that kids are out of school can be the longest of the year for any parent. The key to a peaceful summer household is keeping the kids busy and entertained.

That’s Nuts! Woman Arrested For Ripping Man’s Testicles Off
Put down the Rocky Mountain Oysters for a moment, because you don’t want to be eating when you find out what this North Carolina woman was arrested for doing to a (now former) friend of hers. You may also want to think twice about picking those “oysters” back up afterwards.

Cop Busted For Illegal Body Searches — Wait Until You Read His Name
Shakespeare once posed the question, “What’s in a name?” Apparently, your name can say a lot about you. Take, for example, Milwaukee, WI police officer Michael Vagnini whose badge was recently taken from him for conducting illegal body cavity searches on detainees. Coincidence, or inevitability?

Man Divorces Woman Over Her 550 Cats
Our pets are important to us, and a lot of times, we’ll consider whether a potential mate is a cat or dog person before we take the relationship to the next level. And, for almost everyone, whether or not your significant other gets along with your pets can be a deal breaker. But would you expect cats to be at the root of this couple’s divorce?

10 Moving Soldier Homecomings for Memorial Day
The service men and women of our country make huge sacrifices to fight battles on our behalf and keep the freedoms we hold dear. One of those sacrifices is being away from their families and loved ones for long periods of time. The only thing that makes this sacrifice bearable for most is the incredible sweetness of coming home, even if it is only for a short leave.

Someone Bought the Queen’s Undies for $18,000
We’ll take ‘Stories We Never Thought We’d Post’ for $1,000, Alex. Recently a pair of what are rumored to be Queen Elizabeth’s royal panties went up for auction on eBay. A mystery buyer has now purchased them and become the proud owner of the used skivvies.

Wisconsin Woman’s "Ex-Husband Sale’ Draws a Crowd (and Police)
Love can get messy sometimes. Divorces can get even messier. But, what often gets the messiest is the stuff left behind after the divorce that the remaining spouse must get rid of to move on. This Superior, WI woman seems to have found the best way, and a local radio station got all the photos.

‘Boss Bacon Burger’ Will Fill Your Arteries With Bacon-y Goodness
We’ve watched the guys at Epic Meal Time make massive desserts. We’ve watched them make massive St. Patrick’s Day treats. And we’ve watched them make massive, yet amusing, fools out of themselves. Today, we watch them make the most massive bacon burger ever created by man. And we love them for it.

Woman Gets Surprise Marriage Proposal at College Graduation
Usually when a person is graduating from college, she’s thinking about what kind of job she’ll get after school. This woman gets a surprise offer during graduation and suddenly has a different job to think about — the new and unexpected job of planning her wedding.

800-Pound Bride Susanne Eman Bulking Up for Her Big Wedding Day
It’s pretty common knowledge that most brides will stress out about losing weight before the wedding in an effort to fit into that perfect dress. For this Susanne Eman, however, fitting into the perfect dress means not losing sight of her goal and keeping her weight at 800 pounds.

Website Offers Free Travel to Hot Women
Their video says it best. “Are you attractive, but don’t have the money to travel?” How many of us have wrestled with this issue? Well, our prayers our answered (PRAISE TRAVEL JESUS!) because MissTravel.com connects generous male travelers who “hate to travel alone” with attractive companions who are willing to go on free trips.