Arrest Made in 35 Year Old Sabine Parish Murder Case
Back in 1984, 58 year old Lester Rome from Grand Isle went missing. Two years after Rome was reported missing, human bones were discovered in a water-well in Sabine Parish.
It was long suspected that the remains found in the well were those of Lester Rome, but there was no clear way to prove it. In October of 2021, an official Death Certificate was issued for Lester Rome after clear scientific and DNA evidence prove without a doubt that the bones belonged to Rome.
Thursday morning, (10/28/21) following an investigation, US Marshals arrested a man they believe to be involved in the murder of Rome. 74 year-old Delwin Avard Sibley was arrested by US Marshals at his home in Biloxi Mississippi.
Sabine Parish Sheriff Detective Chris Abrahams worked the case for the last ten months and developed Sibley as a suspect.