Alicia Calantone Is Recipient of Caught in the Act Award This Week
When we called Alicia Calantone this morning, there she was, being Alicia again. It was bright and early on a Thursday morning and she was at the hospital waiting on a sick relative. Just being Alicia!
When we got her nomination letter from Stephanie Lefler, as we read each line, we knew Alicia had to be someone special. So dedicated to so many! And because of that, she is this week's recipient of the Kiss Country Caught in the Act Award.
Just look at that nomination letter:
Where do I begin... When I first met, what I now am blessed to call my best friend. I was in complete shock, and aw of her giving abilities. She currently VOLUNTEERS 5 days a week at Holy Angels. She leads the jewelry class, and is always looking for the latest styles to sell in order to help them raise money for the facility. She also joined their church because she has such a love for those residents. She is a member of the Catholic Church as well and carries her priest back and forth to church and runs errands for him because he has had a stroke, and is unable to do so. She drops everything, and runs when someone is in need. She will be the first in a group to say “we are going to pray about” or “give it to God”. When I had my fair share of fertility struggles and pregnancy scares, she never once left my side! She has showed up or has taken me to every ER visit, and prayed over our family everyday. She helps in the community in so many organizations. Whether it is for children, special needs, or just a family on hard times, she’s always there with a smile and a “what can I do to help” attitude. When my husband was short handed on the farm one day, she drove a grain cart to help him meet his deadline, without hesitation. She stays up for hours cooking chicken and dumplings and dessert for friends who have found out their loved ones have cancer or are sick. She recently had a family find out their daughter was being sent to st Jude. She went to their house to clean and take care of their animals. So often I see her get so busy, she forgets to take a minute and take care of herself! You would never know that Alicia has her own struggles of many health issues, and it’s hard for her to get out of bed some days. That doesn’t stop her from being a phone call away when someone needs her! I could go on and on, but I’ll stop here. She is truly a gift from God! She will always hold a special place in our hearts, and those around her! She deserves this more than anything! She doesn’t get the recognition she deserves.
Alicia Calantone, thank you for being an inspiration to us all and a big reason why this is the greatest place in America to live!
And because you've been "Caught in the Act" the gang at Silver Star Smokehouse have a $100 Gift Certificate for you to come have dinner on them!
Take a listen to the phone call we made to Alicia to let her know that she was this week's Caught In The Act Award recipient.