5 Spring Break Things That Will Get You Arrested In Alabama
A trip to the beach for spring break is a right of passage. However, your actions by the water in Orange Beach and Gulf Shores can take a good time straight to an arrest record. If you're planning on heading east for a little sun and sand between classes Al.com put together a nice tidy list of some things that will get you in trouble. Oh, and here's a tip to get you around the traffic at the tunnel in Mobile.
Here's our take on the Top 5 that we may or may not have experience with.
- Rick Gershon/Getty Images
Rick Gershon/Getty Images 1Booze
Nothing aids a life-threatening sunburn like booze on the beach. It's true you feel no pain until you accidentally brush up against air the following day. Booze is a great big no-no on Alabama beaches. Gulf Shores, in an effort to curtail alcohol-related instances, actually has an alcohol ban on their beaches from now through April 17. Orange Beach does not have that kind of a ban however booze is not permitted on any state park beach.
- Joe Raedle/Newsmakers/Getty Images
Joe Raedle/Newsmakers/Getty Images 2You're Not Old Enough
It doesn't matter whether you're at the beach or in the middle of nowhere Mississippi. If you're under 21 you're breaking the law. If you're supplying alcohol to anyone under 21 you're breaking the law. Don't break the law. You'll get your picture in the paper. I know it might seem impossible but it is entirely possible to have fun without booze. If you disagree you might have a problem with alcohol or a distorted sense of reality.
- Sean Gallup/Getty Images
Sean Gallup/Getty Images 3Balcony Jumping
I have been very drunk in my life. At no point during that time did I ever think that jumping from one story much less a multi-story building into a pool of water was a good idea. Every year somebody does this with tragic consequences. Even if you survive you might as well be jumping into the jail. You will be arrested and all of the sudden that "extra cool" you thought you were will be replaced by a stylish orange jumpsuit and most likely a call to your very disappointed parents.
- David McNew/Getty Images
David McNew/Getty Images 4Bonfires
I know, I know, bonfires are in all of the cool beer commercials. Especially the bonfire on the beach where everybody is chilling listening to some hipster strum an acoustic guitar while couples hold hands and contemplate sneaking off into the darkness for a walk and maybe a little star gazing. At least that's what I always told my dates or girl that I met whose name I couldn't remember. Bonfires will get you but burned on an Alabama beach.
- John Moore/Getty Images
John Moore/Getty Images 5Smoking Pot
Aw man, it's just the establishment keeping the people down. Well, since the establishment makes the rules and has some really well-trained people to enforce the rules you have a choice to make. Remember not everybody smokes pot and just about everybody knows what it smells like. The police are especially keen on the stench. They don't play. You could even be evicted from your condo. I bet you didn't read that fine print in the rental agreement, did you?