Last week a report came out numerating the ten worst jobs in America. Four of the top ten were connected to media, with broadcaster and 'DJ' coming in at numbers three and four, respectively.

However, I like my job. I'm not rich, but I'm from Haughton, LA... What do I really need that's all fancy? I'd stand out like a sore thumb if I went rocking around in a Land Rover with a Louis V on my arm. I'd rather wear a pair of boots any day then a pair of designer high heels. So, it's probably a good thing I'm not motivated to change professions in search of the almighty dollar.

Like these guys working on a billboard outside of the radio station the other day. There's not enough tea in China I tell you! So yes, number one on my list of jobs you wouldn't have a chance of having me do is billboard 'engineer?'

I absolutely adore Chris Romano and the crew from Vexcon, but that's not a chance in hell I could be an exterminator. I have a deep fear of snakes and there's zero chance of me ever crawling underneath houses or into attics or other tight spaces.

I'm not saying I'm too good for janitorial work... Goodness knows I've cleaned my fair share of toilets, dog messes, cat boxes and horse stalls, but it'll be a cold day in hell before you'll ever get me to clean out a Port-o-let. It's simply not going to happen!

On that same theme, I'm pretty sure I could never be a plumber or work for Roto-Rooter. I've seen what comes out of my drains and the hair alone is enough to make me gag.

I couldn't work for a daycare. I'm pretty introverted which is a shock to some, but I need peace in my life. I'm pretty sure a daycare wouldn't be conducive to that. After all, I can always just turn up my headphones when Gary or McCarty are getting on my nerves! Should I mention that I'm already hard of hearing?

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