With Christmas less than 12 days away, I thought I should work on my annual list of things I want to do this holiday season. Some things on my list have changed, but others stay the same every year.

Here's my list:

12. Laugh lots.  It makes you happier and healthier.  I even love to laugh at myself.

11. Read something spiritual.  It lifts me up and helps to keep me grounded at the same time.

10. Cook something I have never tried to cook before.  I am going to do duck this year.…wish me luck.

9. Pull out some of those handmade Christmas ornaments from the kids and actually put them on display!!

8. Take a long bubble bath with no phone, tv, music…just relax.

7. Write Christmas letters to some close friends.  I don’t do the mass Christmas card thing.

6. Do lunch with a friend I haven’t seen in a long time.  Good time to reconnect.

5.  Make a short road trip to some place interesting.  I think I’m going to Hot Springs this year.

4. Get on my knees and pray.  We forget how important this is.  And I am blessed.

3.  Call my brothers just to chat during these 12 days of Christmas.

2. Text nephews to see how they are doing.

1. Spend time writing letters to each of my sons. I won't get to spend Christmas with them, but I want them to each know how proud I am of them.

That’s my 12 Days Of Christmas List.  What would yours look like?

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