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Now that the summer is here, it's time to pack up the family and hit the road!  Unfortunately, this is also the time of year that Louisiana State Police (LSP) says is the most dangerous to be on the road!  In fact, it's called the "100 Deadliest Days of Summer," and it has already begun.


According to a report from the ArkLaTex Homepage, officials with the LSP have issued a warning to all motorists in the state to take extra precautions on the roadways this summer - especially in the 100 days between Memorial Day (May 30th) and Labor Day (September 5th).

Tero Vesalainen
Tero Vesalainen

The cause of this sharp rise in fatal accidents is two-fold according to State Trooper Jonathan Odom.  In a recent interview with KTAL, the trooper said that teenagers on summer break will be driving a lot more frequently and recklessly.  Trooper Odom is worried that peer pressure will lead to teens "driving impaired, texting while driving, and being aggressive drivers," - all contributing factors to fatal accidents.

Motorbike Accident on the road with a car

The other factor that attributes to higher fatal accident rates during these 100 days to better weather.  Reportedly, this brings a sharp increase in motorcycle riders to our streets.  Unfortunately, even if unsuspecting drivers who aren't watching out for these motorcyclists in their blind spots barely touch them with their vehicle - it could easily cause a deadly wipeout.

Experts say it takes less than a second of inattention to cause, or be involved in a fatal accident.

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