
Luke Bryan Drunk Tweets
Luke Bryan Drunk Tweets
Luke Bryan Drunk Tweets
It's the new age version of the drunk dial: Country singer out enjoying an anniversary dinner with his wife + too much alcohol + a smartphone = entertainment! Luke did leave a $150 dollar tip at the sushi place, even after he took to twitter to rant about the restaurant making him take his hat off. I've got it all here for you. . . enjoy!
Vacationing IT Consultant Unknowingly Live Tweets bin Laden’s Death
Vacationing IT Consultant Unknowingly Live Tweets bin Laden’s Death
Vacationing IT Consultant Unknowingly Live Tweets bin Laden’s Death
Sohaib Athar was vacationing in the mountains outside of Abbottabad, Pakistan, late Sunday night when he heard the sounds of helicopters closing in. The IT consultant had his laptop with him, so he began live-tweeting what we now know were U.S. special forces descending upon Osama bin Laden's hideout. "Uh oh, now I'm the guy who liveblogged the Osama raid without knowing it," Athar concl