
Women Spend Nearly 11 Days Each Year in a BAD Mood And Here’s Why
Women Spend Nearly 11 Days Each Year in a BAD Mood And Here’s Why
Women Spend Nearly 11 Days Each Year in a BAD Mood And Here’s Why
It's not men in general.  It's not the kids.  It's not even the lady with the full grocery cart standing in the Express Lane at the grocery store.  Then again, it could be anything!  The reasons that women spend an average of 5 hours per week in a REALLY BAD mood are pretty diverse, and a little less predictable than that.
Left Handed People Are Better Drivers
Left Handed People Are Better Drivers
Left Handed People Are Better Drivers
Being left handed brings on a number of complications in life since most everything is designed for the common right handed person, but in the sports world, left handed people tend to excel.  Baseball's left handed pitchers and batters traditionally fare well and some of bowling's biggest stars are south paws.  And now a new study reveals that left handed people are actually better drivers. Read M
Working the Late Shift Could Give You a Heart Attack
Working the Late Shift Could Give You a Heart Attack
Working the Late Shift Could Give You a Heart Attack
While some may prefer the relative quiet of working the late shift, a new study says that after-hours work may be bad for your health. In fact, the study says, working the graveyard shift may actually give you a heart attack or stroke.

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