The Mercer consulting firm and SMITH magazine want you to “Describe Your Job”.  Oh, and you can only use 6 words in describing it.  It’s an online contest at and offers some pretty cool prizes including an iPad2.

The two entities are looking for our thoughts on the world of work and each two-week phase focuses on a different aspect of your relationship with your job including; your best boss, what inspires you, what you learned at work and the one going now, “why id do what I do”.

SMITH has essentially franchised six-word memoirs including a website, T-shirts and books, and plans are to co-publish a book with Mercer featuring this contest’s winning entries from Britain, Canada and the U.S.  Some of the entries they’ve already received include “Love my co-workers. Don’t have any”, “Dial-up dude in a warp-speed world”, “Quality: not noticed until it’s gone” and “By teaching, I touch the future.”

I decided to test this out on some of the gang here at KISS Country.  Troy, our engineer says “Oh Jesus. Is it still Monday?”  Paul, one of our webmasters, gave me “You’re kidding me. Another conference call?”  Rocky Rhodes, the traffic guy says, “Airline Drive is God’s little joke.”  Our Tracy Turner quipped, "Seriously? People get paid to talk?"  Oh, and me?  Yeah, I’m going to send in one too.  Course, it’s something I already use….a lot.  “I probably shouldn’t have said that.”


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