Think of all of your favorite candies in the world. Now think of your least favorite... That's Louisiana.

Halloween is just days away and we will all be hoping to receive our favorite candies in our Jack-O-Lantern buckets. Wait... What do you mean you don't still trick-or-treat? Nevermind. That's another post for another day.

In the world of sweet treats, not all are created equal. Some favored more than others. For me, my favorite Halloween candies are basically anything chocolate, especially Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. This favoritism appears to vary state to state. Well, at least according to After surveying over 40,000 people, they have determined the top candies as they relate to each state.

For Louisiana, Swedish Fish is the winner.

Bleck. Swedish Fish? I would have taken candy corn over Swedish Fish! At least you can chew candy corn. You have to suck on those fish for a minute to get them soft enough to be palatable. Now maybe I shouldn't knock candy corn too much, it was the top candy for our neighbor to the west, Texas. Even that one seems suspect though. Arkansas is a little more believable with Skittles.

See the entire list here.

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