Why Don’t Guys Get Flowers on Valentine’s Day?
Valentine's Day is coming up and that means flowers, expensive dates, jewelry, and chocolates... Unless you're a guy. There's always those exceptions but most guys you ask will tell you the most they've ever gotten for Valentine's Day as far as gifts go are candies. While this might be due to traditions many are looking to change this making the showing of love more equal.
Companies now offer flowers and gift baskets targeted towards the guys with many options. Other ideas for the perfect man valentine's present include cologne, wallets, watches/smartwatches, silicon wedding bands, tools or concert/movie tickets. Valentine's Day is about showing the one you love how much you really do love them so here in 2019 it's our turn to feel a little of that love.
If you know without a doubt your guy doesn't want flowers there's always the option of Beef Jerky Flowers to have sent to his work!