Ok this has got to be about the cutest story ever! An orphaned baby beaver was taken in by a lady and she decided to let the the little critter "finger" paint or should I say "Paw" paint. How cute is that?

Which got me thinking what is cuter? Scotty McCreery, who I think is just as cute as a button, or the painting baby beaver?


The Shreveport Times says, Amanda Clingan, of Shreveport, rescued the beaver from flooded 12-Mile Bayou when he was a month old. She named him Caddo and set out to raise him until he could go to the Alexandria Zoological Park. One day, she dabbed finger paint on his paws and tail and turned him loose on canvas so she could have a keepsake — and an artist was born.

Clingan, at the urging of friends is selling the painting to raise money for a good cause. Art lovers snapped up his canvasses, generating more than $5,500 for the Great Results Equine Assisted Therapy (GREAT) program in Greenwood.

If you would like more information on GREAT:  http://www.thearccaddobossier.org/Recreation.aspx

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