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Hulton Archive Getty Images

Get the Pinterest pins out! It is finally time for you to show off with all those amazing recipes you have been dying to try. According to google searched most of the nation is interested in a good chili recipe. However Arizona wants green chili enchiladas. That sounds like a party I want to be a part of! Here are the most searched recipes broken down by states in our area.

Arkansas is on the hunt for a good 5 bean chili while Texas is mainly concerned about regular chili. Louisiana is trying to get a delicious pork tenderloin recipe going while Oklahoma wont be kissing anyone with that top search for a french onion cream dip recipe. Both Pennsylvania and Boston are basic in their searches. They both had the top search of a good chili recipe.

Regardless of who you're cheering on this year in the Super Bowl one thing is for sure, the food is the best part! What are you planning on cooking?

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