We’re Hitting Triple Digits in the Boot! How Hot is it, Louisiana?

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When it's this hot out, you can either whine and complain or you can have some fun with it! We decided to have some fun!
Anyday now you'll see the first meteorologist of the year try to bake cookies on a car dashboard or fry an egg on a manhole cover. So clever! Do you want to know who's really clever? The residents of this great state of Louisiana! I asked you to fill in the blank and by did you deliver! Check out the answers to 'Fill in the Blank: It's so hot in Louisiana that __________?' Enjoy!
Girls' eyebrows are literally Melting OFF.
Tabasco is sweating!
Mosquitoes are only biting in the shade.
The roads have almost melted back smooth.
That the Devil went back to Georgia just to cool off.
The last 4 drive-by shootings in Shreveport were with water guns.
Crawfish are jumping into the pot just to cool off!
The snakes have gone back underground.
I saw a tweaker putting the copper back in an A/C unit.
It’s so hot in Louisiana that you don’t need propane to boil the crawfish.
Cajuns are going vegan to avoid the meat sweats.
I just saw the devil walking out of circle k with 2 Gatorades.
Hotter than a meth pipe on payday.
It’s hotter than Hunter Biden’s spoon.
Mosquitos flying north for the summer.
It's so hot my AC gave me the finger…
It's so hot in Louisiana that I almost called my ex to be around something shady!
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