David Hamm, the Constable of Bossier Parish District 5, has resigned. And because he left an unexpired term for the office, the Bossier Parish Police Jury has been charged with the responsibility of finding a qualified applicant to fill that term.

From Bossier Parish Police Jury
From Bossier Parish Police Jury

The photo above, courtesy of the Bossier Parish Police Jury, shows the highlighted boundaries of District 5.

In an effort to find the right qualified person for this position, the Police Jury is accepting applications through 4:30 pm on January 14 at the Bossier Parish Courthouse.

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Qualified applicants should submit their resumes to the Police Jury office at 204 Burt Blvd. in Benton or mail a resume to P.O. Box 70, Benton, LA, 71106. Resumes may also be emailed to rhauser@bossierparishla.gov

What Are The Required Qualifications to be Constable?

The applicant shall be of good moral character, be able to read and write the English language, possess a high school diploma, or its equivalent, and shall be an elector and resident of District 5.

A person shall not have attained the age of 70 by the date of qualification for office in order to qualify. A constable who attains 70 years of age while serving a term shall be allowed to complete that term

What Does a Bossier Parish Constable Do?

Maybe it's just my love of old westerns that brings me thoughts of sidearm wearing lawmen patrolling the deserts of West Texas when I hear the term "Constable," but that's far from the truth.

The essential job description from the Bossier Parish Police Jury is as follows:

Constables are elected to serve six-year terms.  Their duty is to carry out the orders of the Justice of the Peace court including serving citations ordered by the Justice of the Peace and to act as the enforcement officer of evictions and garnishments ordered by the JP court.

When Will the Police Jury Announce Their Selection?

Any applicant wishing to address the police jury prior to their vote for the appointment, will have the chance to do so at the regular Police Jury Meeting beginning at 2:00 pm on January 19 in the jury meeting room of the Bossier Parish Courthouse in Benton.

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