UNO Poll Shows Trump Cruising to Another Easy Win in Louisiana

A UNO poll of Louisiana voters shows President Donald Trump up 59-36 over former Vice President Joe Biden.
Biden is holding a strong lead in national polling buoyed by a large number of white suburban defectors who backed Trump in 2016, but pollster Ed Chervenak said those voters aren’t shifting in Louisiana.
“There’s this notion of elasticity and Louisiana is a fairly inelastic state, it is not following the trends that are going on nationally,” said Chervenak.
The President won the state with 58 percent of the vote in 2016, and is up 73-23 among white voters in Louisiana.
Governor Edwards pulled in an estimated 90 percent or more of the Black vote in the 2019 Governor’s race but in this survey fellow Democrat Joe Biden is only securing 65 percent. Chervenak offered one explanation.
“I’m sure there is a large number of conservative African Americans who live here and lean more towards the Republican Party as a result of their stance on cultural issues,” said Chervenak.
Only one percent of Louisiana voters remain undecided, compared to the roughly five percent of voters who say they are undecided in nationwide polling.
The survey also took a look at attitudes towards the pandemic in the state. Two-thirds of respondents feel COVID-19 is a “serious problem”. Chervenak said the other third have a clear partisan leaning.
“If you don’t believe that COVID is a problem then you are overwhelmingly, over 90% (92%) supporting the President,” said Chervenak. “That is not a surprise.”
73 percent of Blacks and 62 percent of whites believe the virus is a “serious problem.”
(Story written by Matt Doyle/Louisiana Radio Network)
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