The Best Part of Cooler Weather in Kiss Country!
Hallelujah it's finally cooling off in Kiss Country! There was a chill in the air this morning as we woke up to temperatures in the upper 50's. Football, food, family, the smell of a bonfire--what's the best part of this very brief season called Fall in Kiss Country?
If you ask Gary McCoy what his favorite part of Fall in Kiss Country is---well, you must not have ever met Gary. HUNTING! To quote him: "Somethin's gotta die!", this redneck lives to hunt! Gary loves EVERYTHING about Fall from maintenance work like plowing lanes at the deer lease to spending time hunting in the deer stand with his boys.
For Tracy cooler weather means chili, football, grilling, FOOD & family! The holidays are on the way! She's sending Steven, her husband, deer hunting so she can burn her girly fall candles and work on her Christmas shopping.
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