The Band Perry FaceTime With Six-Year-Old Ferris Wheel Victim
A 6-year-old little girl injured in a horrifying accident recently got a special phone call from the Band Perry while in the hospital.
Briley Jae Reynolds was on the Ferris wheel at the Greene County Fair with her sister and a friend when a mechanical failure caused the car they were in to tip. According to WBIR.com, the three girls fell 30-40 feet, and Briley was the most severely hurt. She was listed in serious condition when first admitted to Niswonger Children’s Hospital, but is now stable.
The Band Perry heard about the accident while en route to Rio for the Olympic Games and sent the three girls backpacks and T-shirts from the Olympics. In a FaceTime call on Monday (Aug. 15), the country trio checked in on Briley to see how they are doing.
"We have been on the road and heard about the accident up there," Kimberly Perry tells her in the above video. "We were on the plane ride heading to Rio going to the Olympics. We were thinking about you guys our whole trip so we went shopping for you while we were down there. We got all the gear the athletes were wearing. I hope you like it!"
Briley was understandably camera shy, but managed to thank the trio as they asked her what her favorite subject in school was. Meanwhile, Kimberly confessed that she liked lunch and recess the best.
While Briley barely spoke, her mother remarked that she was happy that her daughter "can't quit smiling."
"We just wanted to let you know that we've been praying for you guys and thinking about you. Let us know if you need anything, okay?" Kimberly added before hanging up the phone.
The Band Perry were in Rio to perform their song "Live Forever," which has been dubbed the official Team USA anthem.
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