#TBT Do You Remember Hamel’s Amusement Park? (Pics/Video)
If you grew up in the Ark-La-Tex there's a good chance that your childhood memories include going to Hamel's Amusement Park in Shreveport. From the rides to the petting zoo to the big coaster Thunder Rail it was heartbreaking for to see the park taken down. Here's a little trip down memory lane with a ride on Thunder Road which was renamed The Big Ohhhh!
Thunder Road is now known as The Big Ohhh still lives on to this day giving rides in Nebraska. Now the park is only a thing or rumors and stories from those of fond memories to those of a ghostly nature.. Hamel's Park is one of the most haunted "amusement parks" in America.
People on Social Media saw this #TBT and sent in their pics from their beloved park and you can check them out below..
If you want to read more of the stories behind Hamel's Park Click HERE!