Sci Port

Bodies Revealed – SciPort Shreveport [VIDEO]
Bodies Revealed – SciPort Shreveport [VIDEO]
Bodies Revealed – SciPort Shreveport [VIDEO]
Is it weird that I'm so excited about the Bodies Revealed exhibit? I think it might be a little weird, but I am very excited for this mobile anatomy and physiology lesson right here in Kiss Country! I mean, really, what science class or text book can teach you better than actual bodies? The are real and carefully preserved for our learning and viewing enjoyment!
Sci-Port Pre-Fireworks Fun
Sci-Port Pre-Fireworks Fun
Sci-Port Pre-Fireworks Fun
Here is a fun event for you and the kids, especially if you have one of those deep thinkers in the family. How do you make fireworks different colors? How do fireworks explode into interested shapes? All those fun questions will be answered this weekend at Sci-Port with demonstrations of how fireworks actually work and the chemistry behind fireworks. The kids will even get to make their own sparkl