When it comes to cowardly, despicable crimes - stealing from the elderly has to rate right up there with kicking puppies. Taking advantage of older folks is just the worst, especially when it's as heinous as what Monica Ruiz is accused of doing.
With Deputy Police Chief Duane Huddleston retiring next week, along with Chief Willie Shaw, an interim deputy chief has been appointed, and he's someone we all know well.
Where would most people move to for retirement? Many may say Florida, Arizona or even Texas, but are these states really the best for retirees? A new study claims Louisiana nearly tops the list of great retirement states.
Retirement can be a strange transition. What to do with the sudden influx of free time? Most people use the time to travel, to jump more fully into their hobbies and passions, or perhaps to start new careers they’ve always been curious about but never had the guts or the freedom to try.
Pope Benedict XVI has announced his retirement, and while we’re sure the pension plan is heavenly, we’ve got som