Officials are cautioning the public that even though recoveries like this are awesome, you should still practice social distancing and self-isolation guidelines at this time.
They could blend in to the populace seeking shelter and help, they could commandeer a much need boat to leave the island for good, or any number of scenarios could unfold that allow these convicts to escape justice.
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords on Sunday posted two new photos to her Facebook page, offering the first official look at the congresswoman from Arizona since she was shot in the head in January.
The two photos, which were captured by P. K. Weis on May 17, show a smiling Gifford at the TIRR Memorial Hermann, where she has been receiving treatment. In one photo, Gifford is seen sitting and smiling alongsid
Many of you are wondering how you can help the Japanese people, in the wake of the devastating earthquake and tsunami that has struck the island nation. Here are some organizations involved in the rescue and recovery effort that you can donate to.