Louisiana Classic Wrestling Tourney Connected to COVID OutbreakLouisiana Classic Wrestling Tourney Connected to COVID OutbreakOrganizers are now telling everyone in attendance that not only should they enter a self-imposed 14 quarantine, but that they should all be tested as wellBrandon MichaelBrandon Michael
32 New COVID-19 Cases Confirmed at Louisiana ICE Facility32 New COVID-19 Cases Confirmed at Louisiana ICE FacilityThe ICE center is in full on crisis mode after positive COVID-19 cases jumped from 2 on Sunday to a whopping 32 on Monday!Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael
Doctors Say There’s A Possible Bubonic Plague Case In ChinaDoctors Say There’s A Possible Bubonic Plague Case In ChinaBack in 2019, the same region of China had an outbreak of the Pneumonic Plague, which is actually a deadlier version of the Bubonic Plauge.Greg AtomsGreg Atoms