Anyone who has their device in for repair currently, or is awaiting a site-to-store pickup will reportedly be able to pick their property up as late as July 3rd.
Speculation about where the house that Steve Jobs built would put their next hob o' innovation has been running rampant for months, but the waiting is over.
Critics say that kids this age already have a plethora of methods to communicate, and introducing them to social media at such a young age could be dangerous.
While Wednesday’s roll-out of the new generation of Apple’s iPad didn’t have quite the fanfare of prior events helmed by the company’s late co-founder, Steve Jobs, that doesn’t mean people weren’t paying attention.
Here’s a quick rundown of the announcement.
The man who changed the face of technology as we know it has died. Apple co-founder and former CEO Steve Jobs, who was battling pancreatic cancer and had a liver transplant in 2009, has passed away at the age of 56.
With all the new age technology available today, it’s not surprising this is now available, but it IS surprising that it took this long. Here’s the deal. Maybe you don’t trust your boss to keep an accurate record of the time you work or you’re scared that something’s fishy about your pay check in regards to your wages. Well now you can do it yourself with a new smart phone application from the