The lake known for it great fishing, family friendly picnic areas, pavilions, and swimming areas has recently claimed the lives of three people in one week and four total this month.
A tragedy in Shreveport. Shreveport Fire Department was called out at 2:53 p.m. to the Olde Salem Village Apartments on Buncombe Rd for a reported drowning.
If you have a pool, live near a pond, or maybe you have a family member or friends who do, please take the time to put your toddlers through a class like ISR.
"We always talk about car seat safety, immunizations and so on. Water safety is just as important." said Kim Utley an ISR Instructor. According to the World Health Organization, drowning is the number one cause of unintentional death in the entire world, with over 372,000 drowning deaths reported every single year.