craig campbell

Luke Bryan Announces Massive 2017 Tour by Playing Duck Hunt
Luke Bryan Announces Massive 2017 Tour by Playing Duck Hunt
Luke Bryan Announces Massive 2017 Tour by Playing Duck Hunt
Luke Bryan's Huntin’, Fishin’, & Lovin’ Every Day Tour will include six opening acts over a summer-long trek that reaches both coasts and focuses on outdoor amphitheaters. Bryan announced his 2017 tour plans on Tuesday (Jan. 23) with a fantastic throwback video, premiered exclusively on Taste of Country. Duck hunting was involved, but not the kind you're thinking of.
Craig Campbell vs. Colt Ford – The Showdown
Craig Campbell vs. Colt Ford – The Showdown
Craig Campbell vs. Colt Ford – The Showdown
One more win and he's in. Craig Campbell's new song 'Outta My Head' is counting on fan support for a fifth straight night to get him into the Showdown Hall of Fame. The mid-tempo mourner has hooked fans new and old to top four other new singles in the online vote and on Taste of Country Nights. Today, Campbell will need to get past a tag team of singers.

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