Super Cute 2021 Back to School Pics From Bossier and Webster [PHOTOS]
DeSoto Parish went back to school last week, but this week it was Bossier and Webster Parishes' turn!
The kids are back in school! They returned in both parishes yesterday, Thursday, August 12, and thank you again to all the parents and grandparents who sent us some great pictures of those babies making their trek to school on the first day.
It was the first, first day, for some, and it was the last, first day, for others.
It was a truly a bittersweet year for my wife and I. It was the first year in twenty three years we didn't have a little one making his trip to the school ground so these pictures are actually somewhat of a therapy for people like us.
Maybe there are others that can enjoy these pictures as much as Mom and Dad, grandparents and all the friends and family of this year's stars.
Take a look at these Back to School Pics From Bossier and Webster 2021